Kota – Endowing the Bewitching Grandeur of Rajasthan

Formerly known as Kotah, Kota is the third largest city in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan located 240 kilometres from Jaipur. Positioned on the banks of Chambal River, the city is an overwhelming place for trade that includes millet, wheat, rice, pulses, coriander and oilseeds. Other than it, Kota is best known for trading things such as textile weaving, metal handcrafts, cotton and oilseed milling, fertilizers, chemicals and engineering equipment. Previously, this destination was lived by the erstwhile Rajput kingdom and further got a separate identity as a princely state in the 17th century. On the tourism point of view, it houses several monuments, palaces and gardens that reflect the glory of the town.
kota rajasthan

Let’s have a look at two notable Museums when on Rajasthan Tour:

Maharao Madho Singh Museum

Amazingly laid in the old palace, the museum is dotted with a varied range of Rajput miniature paintings, sculptures, frescoes and armoury. The attraction is enhanced with an engaging architecture and splendid panorama housing a repository of artistic items used by the Kota rulers.

The Government Museum

Overtopping the gorgeous the Kishore Sagar, this museum is the major tourist attraction to catch in Kota. Situated at Brijvilas Palace, the museum has a collection of rare coins, manuscripts presenting a picture of Hadoti sculpture. Housing a noteworthy sculptured statue, this place is unique in itself. A view of this attraction will definitely endow you with an awe-inspiring experience.
Besides these two museums, Kota is a home to a number of traditional temples that Badoli Temples, Khare Ganesha Temple, Tirupati Balaji Temple, KarneshwarTemple, Shivpuri Dham Temple, Radha Krishna Temple, Rangbari Balaji Temple, Mathureshji Templ, etc. Other than that, Kota is famous for housing various noteworthy churches named as St Joseph the workers Church, Emmanuel Church, CNI Church.

On the whole, Kota has many things to see and explore. So, plan to visit here by getting the finest Rajasthan Trip.

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