Responsible Travel

Travel brings people together. Both, the visitors as well as the visited, enjoy a wonderful interaction resulting in an amazing cultural exchange. The tryst also cushions the local economy which further manifests into a number of positives. We want it all to keep going. Just a little over carefree approach could be a potential threat to a destination's character, something that draws people to it. Basically, it is about being respectful to the locale and the locals if we want them to reciprocate the same way, sustaining the identity of the land for generations yet to come. We intend to visit a destination as guests and depart as friends!

How to be a Responsible Traveller

  • 1) Beware of & sensitive towards local culture, customs, traditions, social etiquette & religion. Learn to respect the cultural differences you will encounter.

  • 2) Dress up modestly & respectfully - minimum of half sleeves (covering shoulders) and at least three quarter trousers (covering knees) while you are in public, especially at a religious site.

  • 3) Be considerate while photographing, especially old people - always ask them before pointing your camera at them. Avoid photographing people when it could encroach upon their personal space. Do not photograph cremations or funeral processions. Please avoid giving money for the photos that you click.

  • 4) Learn some local language & do not hesitate to use it - smile! These help break the ice.

  • 5) Stay calm & patient in situations when things are not going your way. If you need to bargain, be polite and reasonable. Enjoy bargaining in an Indian market. It could be fun!

  • 6) Minimize the use of plastic & use electricity & water judiciously. Dispose off litter carefully including cigarette butts.

  • 7) Support local businesses by buying locally produced goods & services. Buy artifacts from local artisans to keep the traditional crafts alive.

  • 8) Do not support businesses which exploit or abuse children (usually in restaurants), women (prostitution) and animals (snake charmers, elephant rides, etc.) Do not encourage begging as it is a nexus which usually victimizes children. Please do not handover pen, pencils, chocolates, etc., to children during rural visits as it creates / perpetuates a begging mentality.

  • 9) Avoid leaving food in your plate. Small portions are always a good idea to sample the preparations & then you are welcome to have as many additional serves. Get the leftover food (if any) packed & give it to someone in need of it.

  • 10) Above all, smile & have fun!

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