Safety in the Field

We operate our trips in regions where government regulations on safety standards regarding transport and accommodation are less stringent than those that our travellers may be used to in their home countries. With these factors in mind, Bhavya Holidays Pvt. Ltd. has the responsibility to ensure reasonable precautions are taken in order to be able to provide the safest possible trip for our travellers.

The aim of this document is to provide our travellers, an insight into the safety standards that we try to achieve on an Bhavya Holidays Pvt. Ltd.' trip. Simultaneously, we also expect our travellers to be cognisant of some precautions detailed below on a trip with Bhavya Holidays Pvt. Ltd.. If you have any comment about this document or its application in the field, please write to us at

Valuables and Belongings / Mobile Phones

Use your hotel room's electronic safe to store your valuables (passport, bank cards, excess cash, etc.) when you go out for sightseeing. In case your hotel room does not have an electronic safe, please use a money belt or neck wallet that stays with you at all times. Do not bring expensive jewellery with you.

While using your mobile phone, make sure you are aware of your surroundings. Recently, in some of the cities and towns, cases of mobile phone theft have been reported.

Walking on streets

In India, we walk on the left hand side of the street. During a walking tour, more often than not, you will find yourself in the middle of a chaotic street. The best way to manoeuvre your way is to stay calm and then slowly cross over. Do not panic!

Please consider the fact that at times, streets and footpaths may not be flawless. You may encounter a tiled footpath but with a few open spaces or an occasional patch of cow dung.

Activities and Sightseeing | Ancient monuments and heritage sites

We request that you provide us with any information on any of your pre-existing medical conditions.

The forts and palaces in India are often known for high and winding steps, uneven flooring, short doors and narrow corridors. We suggest  you always wear good quality walking shoes or sturdy sandals while you are out sightseeing. 

Stray animals (dogs and cows on streets, monkeys around monuments)

Do not get close to any of the stray animals such as dogs on the street or monkeys around the monuments. If you want to feed them, please maintain some distance.

Animal Rides

While riding a camel during our trips, helmets are not available to travellers. In conjunction with the local supplier, we endeavour to ensure that only calm and well-behaved animals are provided by the operator.

  • On camel rides, we provide each traveller with a camel & the camel is led by a camel boy.
  • While riding camels, we do not encourage racing.

We do not support transportation or amusement activities that involve elephants, monkeys, snakes, pony, etc. due to animal welfare concerns.


Government regulations on safety standards in the hotels we use in many regions are less stringent than those that our travellers may be used to in their home countries.

However, we do endeavour to select accommodation that in the case of ‘closed’ hotels (with corridors, multi-storeys etc.), has a second exit point as well as the main exit in case of fire. Please be aware that not all hotels we currently stay in, comply with this standard.

We will outline any potential safety concerns for you to be aware of, but if such experiences concern you, please take this into consideration when choosing your trip.


We accept that seat belts are not readily available on all of the transport we take, on either charter or public vehicles. Where available, we expect our travellers to use them.

Public Transport (Boats and ferries | Cycle Rickshaws or E rickshaws | Shuttle bus or Golf Carts, jeeps, etc.)

  • We endeavour to provide, or ensure availability of, life jackets for all boat and ferry journeys included on our itineraries. We rely on the boat operators to judge local conditions and determine whether the conditions are safe for travel. We do not board boats or ferries which are overcrowded or the ones which do not have seats for our travellers.
  • As part of our style of travel, we do offer cycle rickshaw rides to our travellers in some of the cities or towns. These rides are not more than 30 minutes.
  • Shuttle buses or golf carts are used to commute between the parking and the monuments (maximum 15-20 minutes each side) in some of the cities or towns.

Any of such vehicles which are a part of public transport do not have seat belts. However, the speed at which they operate is not fast. Although, we do not perform individual safety tests on any of such vehicles, our local guide or the Tour Leader does make a general visual assessment of the vehicle, its road worthiness and the driver.

Charter Buses / Cabs

Privately chartered bus operators/drivers are required to comply with local licence and vehicle servicing standards.

Train Journeys

On some of our trips, we may use day trains. It is important that travellers take very good care of their luggage and belongings at the railway stations. Also, it is a good idea to carry a chain and a padlock. On trains, there are options for you to fasten your luggage close to your seat or under it.

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